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Over the past 5 years there have been a few milestones along my blogging journey.  But perhaps my favourite was passed today.  10 000 comments!

Far and away the best thing about blogging is the feedback from you guys.  So a big thank you to all of you who comment.

And to those lurkers who haven't yet braved the blog's under-belly, why not leave a message below?



John Brand at Cutting it Straight asked me the following questions:

1. How did you get into blogging?

2. Why do you blog? What is, if you like your ‘Mission Statement’ as a blogger?

3. What do you see as the strategic benefits of Christian blogging?

4. What are some of the problems and weaknesses you see as you survey the Christian blogging scene?

5. Is there a gap in the scene; an area of Christian life or ministry that is not being adequately addressed?

6. What advice would you give to someone considering starting blogging?

7. What are your favourite 5 Christian blogs?


Here are my responses...


Two wonderful posts at Christocentrism:

The Fatal Wound

...What is the great problem within evangelicalism today?  A lack of convincing action in the world that would back-up our faith?  Increasing laxity on doctrines such as hell and the atonement?  The decline in church attendance, giving, and sending?  Perhaps these are serious problems.  But they’re just irritating shards of shrapnel compared to the seriousness of the mortal wound: evangelicalism is Christless.  Not everywhere, and not everyone– but evangelicalism is walking wounded with a limping Christless gospel, biblical hermeneutic, and discipleship....

...Even Christians need Christ.  And so long as Christ is not the context, content, and control on all we think, say, and do, then we are a dying–if not already dead–evangelicalism.

Christ in the Temple

When Christ was taken to the Temple to be circumcised eight days after he was born of Mary, it was by no means his first visit.  Christ had dwelt in the Holy of Holies enthroned on the ark of the covenant in glory from the time the Tabernacle was built by Moses.  The pre-incarnate Christ was the LORD, the God of Israel, and the Tabernacle/Temple was a living sermon on the subject of his Person and work....


Go and visit Christocentrism which promises more of the same.

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus!” – Hebrews 12:2

For every look at self—take ten looks at Christ!

–Robert Murray McCheyne

Hin-Tai and Chris have a brilliant new blog that you should all add to your readers.  It promises to be Christ-centred, trinitarian, affective  and pastoral.  Four thumbs up.

In his latest post, Hin-Tai wrestles with the desire to have a Christ-exalting blog while resisting the self-absorbing pull of blogging.


Well it's up.

Now I've just got to write 365 posts.

Here's my page about the blog.

And here's my page about Jesus.

Please link to it if you can.  And if anyone has ideas about design (header, etc), let me know.



Well it's up.

Now I've just got to write 365 posts.

Here's my page about the blog.

And here's my page about Jesus.

Please link to it if you can.  And if anyone has ideas about design (header, etc), let me know.



In the new year I'm planning on starting another blog - The King's English.  I want to blog on a phrase a day that has passed from the King James translation into common parlance (2011 is the 400th anniversary of the translation).

I'd like it to be as jargon-free as possible and aimed at non-Christians - though I hope Christians might find it nice and devotional.

Once I secure the right domain I'll let you have the link and if you can publicize it on your own blog / facebook / twitter I'd be really grateful.

I've whittled down the phrases to 365 below.  I'm sure I'm missing loads from the prophets and kings/chronicles.  But it's interesting that Jesus' words in the Gospels are at least half of all the Bible's quotable quotes!  Are there any glaring omissions you can spot?


...continue reading "King James Phrases"

My wife has now transitioned from Blog Widow to Blog Wonder.  Emma's website is called A New Name and I'm letting you all in on the ground floor!

There'll be lots of discussion about the gospel and food, the body, gender, identity, that kind of thing.  When you read her story you'll know why.

Through her own testimony and wisdom she has helped so many other women through struggles and I'm praying that this will be a way she can bless more.

She's speaking at a big conference tomorrow on some of these issues (hence getting the website up in a hurry).   I'm sure she'd value your prayers about that too.

Go over and encourage her with a comment.


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