Twice in this passage Jesus is called "Lord". And what have the disciples experienced to make them call Him 'Lord'? Have you noticed? In this story He spends the whole time serving His friends. What kind of LORD is Jesus? He provides the catch, He provides bread and fish of His own, He provides the fire, He cooks the breakfast.
It harks back to one of the most astonishing things Jesus ever said. Back in Luke 12 Jesus had said that when He, the Master, comes again…
…He will have His servants recline at the table and He will come and wait on them. (Luke 12:37)
When the Master comes: He will serve His servants. Isn’t that astonishing? You’d never believe that was true, except that Jesus said it. And then, Jesus did it. Because here He is at the barbecue, apron on, tongs in hand. He provided the catch, He provided the fire, now He’s cooking it up saying “Come and have breakfast!”
This is so Awesome! Lord of lords serving breakfast and offering Himself to many.
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