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I am 2. Who are you?

I began blogging two years ago today. Thanks to Bobby who suggested it (please pray for him and the family at the moment as they wait on troubling medical tests).

To mark this momentous occasion, I am blogging this entry from my mobile phone. Get me. Surfing the cutting edge of the information super-highway and such.

By far the most rewarding thing about my blogging experience has been to receive the many many comments you've written. Some of you I have known from the real world, some I've met here and then face to face, some only via the blog and email. But you've all been a tremendous encouragement to keep focussed on Jesus. So thanks!

But it occurs to me that there are those out there who read but never comment. Well here's your chance to emerge from the shadows. Why not say hello in comments - maybe tell me where you're from too if you like. Be great to e-greet you.

Don't be shy now...

0 thoughts on “I am 2. Who are you?

  1. Ed Eubanks

    Hi Glen,

    Congratulations on the blog-birthday. I picked up on your blog months ago; you were linked to by someone (I don't remember who) whose blog I was reading. I've really enjoyed your contribution to the blog-world.

    By the way, I'm a PCA pastor in west Tennessee, at Hickory Withe Presbyterian Church (

  2. Marcus

    Just wanted to say Hi...I've been a reader who seldom (and by seldom I mean never) comments. But I've definitely been blessed and challenged thru your blog. Continue the good work--God bless bro

  3. John Ljungberg

    Hi Glen!

    Congratulations on two years of blogging!

    I've been reading your blog lately and find it very encouraging and inspiring. I used to be at All Souls and the Clubhouse and got your link via Dev M. You seem to know Leon S. and Will M. too!

    I'm currently living in Sweden and here the situation is rather dire at the moment in the Lutheran Church, as you may have heard. It's awesome getting inspired with some real Bible Jesus focus - something that this country needs so desperately. Please pray for Sweden! Keep up the good work and be blessed brother!

  4. Glen

    Hi Charles and Ed,

    I've read both of your blogs (I think maybe Milton Stanley's 'Transforming Sermons' might be a common denominator).


  5. Emily

    Hi Glen,
    I'm usually one of those silent readers, but I wanted to make an exception to say I'm really thankful for what you post and I'm frequently challenged and encouraged to love Jesus more when I read what you and some of your regular commenters write here!

  6. Glen

    Thanks Heather!

    Hi Marcus,

    Do you work with Jacky Lam - is that right? Good to meet you.

    Hey John - Good to hear from you. Have you commented before or am I imagining that? Anyway, I pray that in Jesus you will be a light where you are. In Him you can't fail to be it!

    As Will says - Jesus Bless


  7. Pete Bowman

    Hi Glen,

    I read pretty much everything you post, but comment only occasionally. I think I had the privilege of you being my Frameworks table leader way back in 2000 - or am I imagining that!?

  8. Just a Simple Guy

    I have been blogging since Sept 08. I am a sawmill production supervisor in rural north west United States. My wife and I fellowship with a small group of believers in a rented room at the fairgrounds. I am an elder in our assembly, and I preach sometimes. I originally began blogging as a place to put my studies down "in writing" so I could revisit them later and remember what God had shown me in the past. I have since found in the blog world a network of believers who don't live in my little isolated circles and this has been a great resource in being able to step out of my own cultural bias and find out what Scripture actually teaches, and who God really is. Your blog has been very helpful in my life in this regard. Especially your view of the trinity. I have been deeply moved as I considered the implications of what you say, and this has worked out in my life. I also have enjoyed your audio sermons. Especially appreciated 2 Sam 10. (I think that was the one anyway) Joab's encouragement to the troops and how that plays out in today's life was very exciting to me.

    Thanks for your work. I pray for you. No one steps out into the battle without being a target. God bless and keep you.


  9. Gav

    Thanks mate.......I'm *really* glad I linked to your blog. You have been a huge influence in my early christian growth....long way to go though! ;-)......anyway I wouldnt have met Will the other day if it wasnt for your blog.

    Didnt know about Bobby though....just know he hadnt been blogging. He's a good soldier....praying for him.

  10. Bobby Grow

    Hey Glen,

    I'm glad you've been blogging for two years, keep up the good work (I can't believe its already been two years). I think your work on the Trinity is excellent, and you've exposed folks to a beautiful reality; that often times is only left for the "scholars," which is a sin --- so thank you!

    Hey Gav,

    I don't know if you even know about my "Evangelical Calvinist" blog (just click on my name here to get there); that's where you can get more detail on what's going on. I really appreciate all of your prayers, I am growing leap and bounds right now (and it hurts more than anything, I'm a real whimp, and sometimes would prefer to stay a baby ;-) . . . thank you for your prayers, we are trusting the Lord and being hopeful.

    P.S. Glen, thank you for calling for prayers here (I find out the results of the biopsy this Wed. and, truth be told, I've been stressing --- please pray for peace and good results). Thanks again, Glen . . . you're a blessing!

  11. Bobby Grow

    Hi Glen,

    I'm glad you've been blogging for two years, keep up the good work (I can't believe its already been two years). I think your work on the Trinity is excellent, and you've exposed folks to a beautiful reality; that often times is only left for the "scholars," which is a sin --- so thank you!

    Hi Gav,

    I don't know if you even know about my "Evangelical Calvinist" blog (just click on my name here to get there); that's where you can get more detail on what's going on. I really appreciate all of your prayers, I am growing leap and bounds right now (and it hurts more than anything, I'm a real whimp, and sometimes would prefer to stay a baby ;-) . . . thank you for your prayers, we are trusting the Lord and being hopeful.

    P.S. Glen, thank you for calling for prayers here (I find out the results of the biopsy this Wed. and, truth be told, I've been stressing --- please pray for peace and good results). Thanks again, Glen . . . you're a blessing!

  12. We are 1

    Hi Glen, when I saw "I am 2, who are you", I thought it was going to be either a profound insight into the dichotomy of personal existence or an admission of schizophrenia but...

    Happy anniversary! Your blog is one of the best things on the whole internet.

    Jesus bless

    Paul and Jenny

    PS Yes Pete, 2000, glory days!

  13. Matthew Weston

    I can't remember commenting before (though I know I must have done once), but I've been reading your blog for a while, from a few months after when Bish started linking to you regularly. I've been a blogger of some description since the early days of Blogger (around 2001?), with a few pauses. I'm just down the coast from you - but you may well remember that from a comment left on my website. Happy anniversary!

  14. Glen

    Paul and Jenny - yes glory days indeed! Thanks for your encouragement.

    Hi Matthew - yes you've definitely commented before, thanks for saying hi. Where would blogging be without Dave Bish eh? The oil - nay the very pistons - of the engine of british biblioblogging.

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